Our Vision
Kynd Works envisions a world where businesses and consumers make conscious decisions about their environmental impact and choose sustainable packaging solutions. The brand aims to lead the way in the industry and set an example for others to follow in reducing their impact on the environment.

Being Kynd
While words and messaging are important, it is crucial to take action when it comes to creating a positive impact on the environment.
Be Kynd is a series of environmentally conscious initiatives that our company is committed to pursuing in order to make a positive impact on the world around us. We believe that through these initiatives, we can help to create a more sustainable future and demonstrate our responsibility to do our part in preserving the planet for generations to come.
learn more below

Child Resistant Golf Tee Container *(Keep sharp objects away from small children)
12 Professional Golf Tees for Drivers over 360cc
Size: 3 ¼” (83mm)
Weight: xx.x grams
Environmentally Friendly Professional Golf Tees by KyndWorks
Every year, more than 5 billion golf tees are used on golf courses worldwide. The majority of these tees are made of plastic, wood, or bamboo. As avid golfers ourselves, we embarked on a mission to create the perfect golf tee that is not only durable like plastic but also kinder to the environment.
By utilizing our unique blend of Hemp Reinforced Plastic, our professional golf tees are exceptionally strong and resistant to breakage upon impact. Moreover, if they are lost in the grass or water hazard, our tees naturally decompose faster than traditional plastics, returning back to mother nature.
Why did we choose hemp? Hemp plants are known to produce a significant amount of oxygen. In fact, one acre of hemp generates as much oxygen as 25 acres of forest. Additionally, hemp cultivation requires minimal water and chemicals. So, before teeing off on your next shot, take in that fresh air and know that by choosing KyndWorks golf tees, you are not only enhancing your game but also making a positive impact on the planet.
Available in these three sizes
Child Resistant Golf Tee Container *(Keep sharp objects away from small children)
10 Professional Golf Tees for Drivers under 360cc
2 ¾” (70mm)
Weight: xx.x grams
Child Resistant Golf Tee Container *(Keep sharp objects away from small children)
20 Professional Golf Tees for Drivers under 360cc
1 ½” (38mm)
Weight: xx.x grams
What we do
Promote sustainable practices and help other
Businesses to promote it as well
Use innovative and biodegradable hemp plastic
Greener living
Provide sustainable and eco-friendly solutions
Minimize environmental impact
Our Products
Food Containers